DanceXpressions tuition is charged by the length of each class. At this time, most class lengths are 45 minutes to allow for additional sanitization between groups. If more than one dance class is taken, add the length of each class together to arrive at the total tuition due for that student. Sibling class time also gets added together in order to provide a family discount. For each family, there is an annual, non-refundable $60.00 registration fee at the time of registration, and subsequently every fall upon re-enrollment..
Below is our regular class tuition schedule. Additional information surrounding tuition and studio payments is outlined in our Studio Policies. (Please email or call us in regards to Competition Team/Company tuition fees.)
- 45 minutes per week: $65.00/month
- I hour per week: $80.00/month
- I ½ hours per week: $115.00/month
- 1 ¾ hours per week: $131.50/month
- 2 hours per week: $148.00/month
- 2 ½ hours per week: $177.50/month
- 3 hours per week: $207.00/month
- 3 ½ hours per week: $231.50/month
- 4 hours per week: $256.00/month
- 4½ hours per week: $275.50/month
- 5 hours per week: $295.00/month
- 5 ½ hours per week: $315.50/month
- 6 hours per week: $336-.00/month
- 6 ½ hours per week: $353.50/month
- 7 hours per week: $371.00/month
- 7 ½ hours per week: $388.00/month
- 8 hours per week= Unlimited class tuition $405.00/month
(Unlimited dance – does not include Competition/Company class tuition)
Prorated Tuition:
Tuition will be pro-rated for those students/families joining classes after the first full week of the month. After that, tuition is due in full each month.
Family Tuition:
Sibling hours may be added together to maximize family savings. For family class hours greater than 6, add $25.00 per hour to tuition rates. Family Unlimited dance is capped at $695.00 per month.